3 Useful Tips When Choosing A Wedding Cake


One of the most important aspects of prepping for a wedding is choosing wedding cakes. You have so many options today, and in order to make this selection process as stress-free as possible, consider these tips.

Go in for the Tasting 

There's no point in having a beautiful wedding cake if it doesn't taste good. You can ensure your cake has all of the right flavors by going in for the tasting. You'll have the chance to try out different types of cakes, all for a small, one-time fee.

During these tastings, don't be afraid to ask questions about how each cake is made and how it will be prepped in the weeks leading up to your wedding. You also want to bring some friends or family members to these tastings. They can give you a second opinion to help you select the perfect cake that all of your wedding guests will enjoy.

Assess the Size of Your Guest List 

The last thing you want happening at your wedding is to run out of wedding cake before all of your guests have the chance to take a bite. You can save yourself this embarrassment by first assessing the size of your guest list before ordering a cake. 

Once you find out how many people are truly coming to your wedding, you'll have a better idea of what cake size to choose. Make sure your wedding invitations notify guests that you expect them to RSVP months in advance. You'll then have a rough estimation of how many people are coming, and you can give these figures to the wedding cake designer.

Save Some Money 

Just because you want a beautiful cake for your wedding doesn't mean you have to spend a fortune. There are actually plenty of ways you can cut costs — giving you more money to put towards other wedding details.

For example, the simpler your cake is, the less expensive it will be. You can opt for fewer decorations, fewer colors, and fewer layers to save some money. You can also tell your wedding servers to hand out smaller slices to guests so that you don't have to order as large of a cake. Comparing the prices of your local bakeries is also a great way to save.

Every detail of your wedding should be perfect, especially your wedding cake. As long as you do the right things leading up to your wedding date, your cake should look beautiful and taste great.


10 July 2018

Understanding Restaurant Challenges

There are a lot of different things that can set your restaurant back financially, but one of the biggest problems is issues with food sourcing. I used to source different ingredients from a bunch of local distributors until I realized that I could save a lot of money by working with national food suppliers. I want other people to realize how to resolve some of the most common restaurant ownership challenges, which is why I decided to focus on this blog. Check out these posts to learn more about how to run your restaurant, how to handle difficulties, and how to make your business more profitable than ever before.